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Used Car Bumper Assembly | Front & Rear Bumper Assembly


Rough and Tough Used Car Bumper Assembly For Sale

At the Spare part zone, you can upgrade your car’s exterior with the durable and strong used bumper assembly.

0 +
Years Experience

Used Car Bumper Assembly Parts For Sale

Car bumpers are made to minimize low-speed collision damage and absorb impact to the front and rear of vehicles. In order to prevent damage to the car body, passenger automobile bumpers in the US must withstand a five mph hit with another vehicle. The material squeezes down between the reinforcing bar and the body of the vehicle upon contact. 

Buy used car bumper assembly at an affordable price. The Spare part zone offers quality-tested used car parts.

Shop High Quality Used Car Bumper Assembly Online

Front bumper assembly

Front bumper assembly

A bumper includes four major parts, which are the bumper cover, bumper absorber, and bumper reinforcement bar. At Sparepartzone, we offer the best quality tested aftermarket bumper parts.

Rear bumper assembly

Rear bumper assembly

The purpose of the rear bumper is to support the back side of the car with the help of a mounting bracket that is integrated with the rear end of the car. Get rear bumper parts on Spare part zone at the best prices.

Car Fender Liner

Lower Bumper assembly

It is adjusted on the lower side of the front bumper, and the main function is to maintain the aerodynamics of the vehicle and prevent dirt and other particles that may harm the front of the car.

Car Fender Flares

Upper Bumper assembly

Getting a custom car bumpers for your car is now easier as these assembly parts are available on Spare part zone.


We at the Spare part zone provide all the car bumpers that you are looking for. We make sure the parts you get are certified and quality-tested. The Spare part zone has a stock of 4000+ plus products. We believe in providing genuine used products to save up on your cost. We are here to assist you if you require any auto parts or are facing any issues with your vehicle. Giving out genuine products at the best prices is our motto.

Considerable Factors For Purchasing Aftermarket Bumper Assembly

There are a few points to keep in mind while looking for aftermarket bumper assembly parts:

  • It is better to buy assemblies that are made with durable components.
  • Ensure it easily fits your bumper.
  • Check the material of the assembly.
  • Check configuration to save on any extra expenses.
  • Buy from a reliable online store.


If you are looking to replace your bumper, then here is a list of things and their replacement costs:

Bumper Cover: The replacement cost of a bumper cover comes to around $100 to $1000. At the same time, painting can cost anywhere between $200 to $600, including labor charges.

Bumper Absorber: A bumper absorber will not cost you much. It will be somewhere between $5 to $10, but the charges for replacement are high compared to other product, which is $100 to $300.

Bumper Reinforcement Bar: The product itself can cost you $500. It is suggested to go for aftermarket car bumper reinforcement so you save up on that and get quality tested product, although the replacement cost can vary from $100 to $1000.

Most Popular Used Auto Parts

Frequently Asked Questions

A bumper assembly is an essential component with numerous parts. The bumper cover, bumper reinforcement, clips, hooks, and winches together make the bumper assembly.

A durable and strong bumper assembly protects your car from minor collisions. It actually absorbs the energy from impact.

Driving with a damaged bumper is not acceptable legally. Also, it can affect your safety. Moreover, it will degrade your resale value.

Reviews From Customers

My rear bumper crashed in an accident, so I was in dire need of a bumper parts replacement. I found the right bumper parts with the correct bolt specifications on the Spare part zone. The price was low compared to other websites, and delivery was on time. I truly recommend all to use them once.

front bumper cover assembly

I modify and customize my cars frequently. I was looking for custom-used bumper parts that could perfectly fit my car. At the Spare part zone, I found the range of bumper assembly kits at a very competitive price. Their delivery was quick, and the prices were also very low.

aftermarket bumper assembly parts

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